Mobile Service Delivery Gateway (MSDG)

M-Governance or Mobile Governance involves the utilization of all kinds of wireless and mobile technology services, applications and devices for Governance. M-Governance, initiated by Kerala State Government, has started with the aim to utilize the strengths of Mobile penetration in the State using the concept of "always-on" connection for the delivery of government services to common people. And there by offers various government department services through mobile phones accessible to the citizens in the field, in the street, at home or other convenient locations on a 24 X 7 basis, rather than the users having to visit government offices or log on to the internet portals to access services.

M-Governance project in Kerala is perhaps the first comprehensive project of its kind undertaken by any state in the country. The vision of m-governance project is to build or showcase solutions and applications which will be benchmarks in M-governance services across the world.

An encapsulated and comprehensive integrated Service Delivery Platform is being created and integrated with the e-Governance infrastructure, for enabling m-Services of various Departments in a "Plug and Play" fashion. The m-Governance Service Delivery Platform (SDP) includes a unique branded, easy to remember Unique Short-Code 537252 – “K E R A L A” for the citizen to remember the spelling of Kerala and type it in non-qwerty mobile keypad, which is the single touch point for availing many m-services of 90 State Government Departments.

The three channels of mobile communication (Voice, Signalling and Data) and a wide range of technologies (Voice Applications, Applications using signalling channel and data service based Applications) are being used for this purpose. The Common Mobile Service Delivery Platform can be leveraged by departments for m-powering their services which include setting up of services for SMS, MMS, USSD, Voice and IVR platform (a stack of hardware and software). The focus is to build a centralized platform into which the services/solutions for each and every Department can be integrated. The approach adopted is to identify services and design solutions, wherein the primary focus has been to leverage the existing networks and available wireless technologies. As many as 90 Departments are now using the m-SDP to provide their services and the portfolio of services is expanding.

M-governance objectives:

  • Could Bridge the Digital Divide in Kerala

  • One of the comprehensive mobile governance projects in India

  • Adopted by many states and admired by World Bank

  • Based on the success of Kerala M-gov MSDG has found a place in the National e-Governance Plan (NeGP)

  • Could prove that ICT projects can bring in economic returns even to the Government and can generate surplus by way of revenue sharing agreement with the mobile operators

  • M-Governance involves the utilization of all kinds of wireless and mobile technology services, applications and devices for improving benefits for citizens, businesses and all Government departments

Pilot services implemented for Citizens are:

(To avail this service Send SMS to Number 537252 along with appropriate SMS format. Click here for the format)

Steps for registering with CDAC for Mobile Service Delivery Gateway (MSDG)

  1. Download the agreement/MoU from

  2. Fill the agreement on 100 Rs stamp paper and send it to CDAC Mumbai on the address mentioned in the agreement.

  3. Create user id and password from for your department.

  4. Follow the steps given in the API document.

Click to download Government Order for Mobile Service Delivery Gateway
Click to download Integration document for MSDG